Martyr: Al-Krunz Family 0Martyr: Al-Krunz Family 1


Al-Krunz Family

Martyr Date

October 20, 2023

Al-Krunz Family

One of the unspoken shadows of genocide is to go to sleep as a son in a family that cares for and nurtures you, and to wake up in the morning as the only surviving member of that family, suddenly bearing the responsibility for children who now have only you. My friend @mahmoud_saudk ‘s family was brutally killed by Israel, leaving behind only children who have no one in this world but Mahmoud, who currently lives in Turkey. I contacted him, and he wrote the following:

I was Eagerly anticipating a reunion with my parents, last seen seven years ago, set for October 10. Excitement mixed with longing, unsure how it would go. The war in Gaza proved worse than imagined. on October 20th 2023 An Israeli missile destroyed our home, wiping out my family, making our reunion impossible. I openly acknowledge defeat; the explosion shattered dreams and emotions. Everything lost its meaning, especially feelings . I am Mahmoud Saud Al-Krunz, part of a family martyred in the Gaza genocide. I’m Left with 7 children, I am their sole hope and provider, helpless amidst Gaza’s bombardment, barely managing to get news from my place of exile. The eldest of these 7 nieces and nephews is only 13. Yes, it’s even complicated to imagine how to deal with it and where to start.

To support Mahmoud here…

إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed, to Him we return.
Source: Twitter/GazaMartyrs
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