Martyr: Fadi Hamadeh 0Martyr: Fadi Hamadeh 1


Fadi Hamadeh

Martyr Date

October 23, 2023

I am Fadi Hamadeh, an English teacher who loves his students. I am married to a girl named ‘Nour,’ who is the light of my eyes. On December 23, 2022, God blessed me with a daughter as beautiful as the moon; I named her ‘Fayrouz.’ My whole family came to see her that day, and I hope to see her as the best in the world. From the first day of the war and what happened in Gaza, it was a genocide, ethnic cleansing, and a violation of all international and human laws. That’s why I decided to stop teaching my students until further notice. Unfortunately, many of them were martyred, including one I loved dearly, named Adnan Barka. Three hours after mourning him, it was my turn and my family’s turn.

Fadi Hamadeh and his family were martyred in an Israeli bombing on their house on October 23, 2023.

إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed, to Him we return.
Source: Twitter/GazaMartyrs
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