Martyr: Hanin Hassan Al-Harash 0Martyr: Hanin Hassan Al-Harash 1


Hanin Hassan Al-Harash

Age 29 years old

Martyr Date

December 19, 2023

Martyr Hanin Hassan Al-Harash, 29 years old.

She was the only daughter in her family, who came after a long wait. With six siblings, she was affectionate, genuine, and approached life with all her energy. If you shared a secret with her, she kept it. If you shared a burden with her, she supported and reassured you. If you sought her for help, she answered. She was kind-hearted and had a radiant smile. Her presence left an impact on everyone who knew her and accompanied her.

She was a loving wife and a kind mother to a beautiful daughter who could bring tears to one’s eyes. She completed her Bachelor’s degree abroad and returned to Gaza to pursue her Master’s degree. She had one semester remaining and planned to pursue her Ph.D. in Canada before the hands of treachery, merciless and devoid of mercy, took hold of her.

On December 19, 2023, she departed with her daughter, her older brother, and four of her children, unjustly and with patience. She left behind a great legacy of memories and stories to be told, leaving a tremendous void in the souls of those she left behind.

Remember Hanin and her daughter Lauren. Remember Mahmoud and her children, Hassan, Farah, Hanin, and Joud, who were martyred on their journey to escape death, only to be met with a treacherous shell from an Israeli tank that mercilessly tore apart their bodies in Jabalia.

إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed, to Him we return.
Source: Twitter/GazaMartyrs
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