Martyr: Hassan Ali 0Martyr: Hassan Ali 1Martyr: Hassan Ali 2


Hassan Ali

Age 18 years old

Martyr Date

November 9, 2023

The martyr, Hassan Ali, 18 years old:

Hassan had recently completed high school with a GPA of 83.44. His dream was to become an Arabic language teacher. He received a scholarship from Algeria to study Arabic.

His sister, Jihad Ali, said: “On Thursday morning, November 9, we were sitting at our uncle’s house. My family and I were in the living room. My father, Ali, my brother Hassan, and our cousin Ahmad were on the third floor. We heard the sound of an explosion, initially thinking it was a gas bomb until we realized it was a drone missile.”

“My father and cousin were martyred, and my brother Hassan was injured, my brother.”

“My mother rushed out, running to find people or any help, until Hassan joined my father and cousin as martyrs.”

“In Hassan’s final moments, it reminded me of 2005 when we were getting our passports. Hassan and I were in one passport because he was only forty days old. That day, I carried Hassan and placed him in my arms, afraid to breathe lest he falls. That’s when the photographer took the picture.”

“On the day Hassan was martyred, he was in my arms just as I held him when he was forty days old, sleeping, so I could shield him from the glass. I kept reassuring him, ‘Be patient, Hassan, take a breath.’ Hassan was in pain.”

“To the strands of my remaining hair in his hand, to Hassan’s breaths that no one else heard but me, to the ambulance that never arrived for all those fearing death, Hassan wasn’t afraid, even until meeting God.”

Hassan was martyred in an Israeli airstrike on his uncle’s house on November 9, 2023.

إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed, to Him we return.
Source: Twitter/GazaMartyrs
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