Martyr: Mahdi Family 0


Mahdi Family

Martyr Date

November 11, 2023

The martyrs of Mahdi Family (details below) This massacre was resulted due to an Israeli airstrike on Mahdi Hospital in Gaza city on 11/11/2023

The martyrs of the massacre are:

Doctor Raed Youssef Mahdi Iman Jameel Khreis (wife of Dr. Raed) Doctor Bassel Youssef Mahdi Doctor Samira Raed Mahdi Youssef Raed Mahdi Ahmad Raed Mahdi Omar Raed Mahdi Abdul Rahman Raed Mahdi Mohammad Raed Mahdi Mira Raed Mahdi Alaa Ahmed Mahdi Mahmoud Jalal Mahdi Alaa Jihad Mahdi

The Israeli occupation killed the skilled doctors Bassel and Raed Mahdi, who worked at Mahdi Hospital for childbirth, along with Dr. Raed’s entire family, whose names were erased from civil records. Mahdi family had decided to move to the hospital, believing it was a safe place immune to the Israeli bombing.

Raed Mahdi, the beloved doctor in Gaza, lost his wife Iman Khreis and their five children: Ahmed, Amro, Mohammad, Youssef, Aboud, and their two daughters. Samira, a dentist who graduated from Palestine University last year and got engaged in the same year, was supposed to get married these days, along with their youngest, Mira, the darling of the household.

the last words of Dr. Bassel mahdi was No one dies ahead of their time, but there are people who will die lacking dignity, humanity, and principles. We will not forgive anyone”

May Allah have mercy on them

إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed, to Him we return.
Source: Twitter/GazaMartyrs
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