Martyr: Ola Omar Abu Shab 0


Ola Omar Abu Shab

Martyr Date

October 11, 2023

The martyr Ola Omar Abu Shab.

She was a teaching assistant at the Islamic University and a lecturer at Al-Aqsa University. Ola was incredibly intelligent, and her entire family was proud of her excellence. She was beloved by all her friends; her laughter always painted on her face. Her friends mentioned her distinction even in her martyrdom, while some neighbors described her as an angel who had gone to her true place.

She was adored by her students, being a companion and sister to them. Ola also had friends from various Arab nationalities through her online English language studies, for which she received a scholarship and excelled. But on the morning of October 11, she went to heaven, unable to continue her journey with them due to an unjustified attack by Israeli warplanes on their home.

Recently, alongside her work, she obtained unemployment benefits from the UNRWA for six months and started saving money to continue her academic career for a master’s degree. She also began learning data analysis as it was her dream to become a “data analyst.”

On Thursday, October 5, 2023, she went out with her mother and sister. Using her salary as a teaching assistant, she bought herself a gold ring, a purchase she had eagerly awaited. She was immensely happy but departed without adorning her beautiful fingers with it. Ola left, yet she did not depart from the hearts of her family, students, colleagues, and teachers.

Ola, along with her family, was martyred in an Israeli airstrike on their home on October 11, 2023.

إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed, to Him we return.
Source: Twitter/GazaMartyrs
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